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[ACC2010]北京市在改善心血管危险因素方面将来还应有哪些改进--May Chen教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/3/17 9:10:00    加入收藏
 关键字:改善心血管 社区医院 May Chen教授 

 <International Circulation>:Dr. Dayi Hu has talked about the use of risk factor modification in Beijing.  What’s your advice on how to improve the risk factor modification in the future?

May Chen:First I would like to say that it was wonderful that Dr. Hu talked about that because what he talked about is one of the main themes of the current Chinese health reform, and that is prevention.  It is basically prevention through public health means.  So, it is very encouraging to hear that in fact all these things are happening.  Two things make what the Chinese are doing now possible.  One is the Chinese health reform.  It easy to say ‘Chinese health reform’ because it seems every government around the world is engaged in health reform.  But the Chinese are very, very serious about this particular health reform.

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