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[ACC2010]北京市在改善心血管危险因素方面将来还应有哪些改进--May Chen教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/3/17 9:10:00    加入收藏
 关键字:改善心血管 社区医院 May Chen教授 

<International Circulation>:How does the risk-factor modification differ between the US and China?  You just addressed that, somewhat.. 

May Chen: I think there is a fundamental difference between the way that American and Chinese people approach troubles.  In America it is the belief that the market is the answer is very, very strong, including that the market can solve out problems in healthcare.  Where as in a country like China it’s been the tradition – and it remains so today – that the government plays a very big role in important areas, including healthcare.  I have to agree the way the Chinese government is doing this, because there is a roll, a very big roll by the government in public health, in making health and healthcare better for the people.  The market in many instances of health card has shown it has failed.   It is a fact that the current Chinese reform that was put out in April – April 6th 2009 to be exact – is able to address the failures of the last health reform, which was market focused.  It just did not work. 

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