International Circulation: Can you talk a little about the BRIG project in China?
Sidney Smith: The BRIG project in China started 4 or 5 years ago under the leadership of Dr. Zhao Dong. It is really an excellent example of how the use of guidelines can really make a difference. I think 7 papers have been published using data obtained from the project and Professor Zhao is frequently asked to speak around the world about this project in China. We are looking to compare the eastern parts of China to the western, the tertiary versus secondary hospitals, academic versus non-academic hospitals and also looking at how much one’s ability to afford medications enters into the issue. Overall it has been a very successful program. It is a survey of 65 hospitals about how compliant patients are in taking their medications after discharge. Phase I of the study has been completed including near 6000 patients in outpatient settings. The project is continuing as we keep adding elements and collecting data. I think the outpatient population may be larger for Phase II.
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