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[GWICC2009]宾夕法尼亚大学Mariell Jessup教授谈心衰

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/10/20 13:51:00    加入收藏
 关键字:GWICC Mariell 

International Circulation: Can you give some suggestions to improve the adherence for patients and for physicians?

Mariell Jessup:  For the patients to find drug therapies that are not complicated, such as once per day, so you can explain to them with simple teaching tools, why they may get the symptoms and what the disease is.  Essentially this is patient education.  Anything that can be found on the website or that you make in your own practice that will help patients understand will certainly help adherence.  The more they can understand the easier it is for them to take pills.  Conferences like this as well as journals that explain to physicians how important this is will also help physician adherence.
Mariell Jessup: 对患者而言,找到每天只需服用一次的简单的药物治疗方法将有助于提高依从性。这样医生也能用简单的教学工具跟患者解释他们为什么出现那些症状和得的是什么病。患者教育是最重要的。在网上查到的或者你自己制作的东西都能帮助患者理解疾病。这些当然都会提高患者的依从性。他们越理解,就越容易服用药物。类似长城会这样的会议和阐明指南推荐对临床实践的重要性的杂志也能帮助提高医生的依从性。

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