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[GWICC2009]William Louis谈降压策略

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/10/15 15:18:00    加入收藏
 关键字:William Louis 降压策略 长城会 

International Circulation: Are the targets you mentioned sufficient or, in the case of a diabetic with proteinuria, should we continue to try to achieve lower pressures once a pressure of 120/80 mmHg is achieved?
《国际循环》:仅仅您提到的这些目标就够了吗?血压降到120/80 mmHg应该继续降压吗?

Williams Louis:  It may be that in various categories that you may achieve additional benefit but it is hard, using the present evidence, to know the cost/benefit in terms of safety and outcomes.  A good example of this sort of situation would be the PROGRESS study where stroke patients that were on complex regimes of blood pressure lowering agents, statin, and aspirin to prevent further strokes.  Despite that, the addition of more anti-hypertensive therapy produced quite impressive improvements in outcome.  Therefore, I think it is important to always question our present beliefs.  One way of doing that is to study the effects of additional lowering of blood pressure in patients who have already been treated, comparing that against the addition of a placebo.  Through that process we may see an increase in benefit but we may also start to see an increase in risk.  We need to develop that evidence at this point.  If we can get patients to the present targets we will be providing a huge benefit to the community at large which is what we really need to focus on at this time. 
Williams Louis:   你可能在很多方面有另外的受益。但根据目前的证据就安全性和预后来说很难预测利弊。这种状况的一个很好的例子是PROGRESS研究,该研究的中风患者服用各种降压药物,他汀类药物、阿司匹林等等预防进一步的中风。尽管如此。加入更多的抗高血压治疗产生了很令人满意的结果。因此我认为总对当前的信念提出疑问是很重要的。方法之一就是研究已经接受治疗的患者再降压的疗效与对照组比较。在这个过程中我们或许能看到受益增加。但是我们也可能看到风险在增加。我们需要这方面的证据。然而,如果我们能让患者达到目前的目标,我们能为整个社会带来巨大的福利,这也正是我们目前真正需要关注的。

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